Issue H024 of 21 December 2002

Book Papers Call: Encounters in World Architecture

From:     Heyward James 
          World History Center 
          Northeastern University 

We invite proposals to be considered for inclusion in an exciting new book to be published on the subject of architecture in world history. The essays collected in the anthology will explore the impact of cross-cultural exchange on the historical development of the world's built environment.

The essays will present the history of world architecture as a product of catalytic interactions across cultural borders. These interactions include trade, religion, migration, and conflict, among others. This model transcends traditional stylistic or national categorizations, and requires scholars to engage in a kind of synthetic, interdisciplinary research that has been relatively rare until recently.

This volume will bring together authors who are willing to venture down this path, and will make their work accessible to students and professors of material culture across the disciplines.

For this anthology, we seek contributions that focus upon the transmission of Architectural and engineering skills, ideas, and materials across cultural borders. Coverage will span pre-history to the present on a case-study basis. Contributors will include prominent senior scholars as well as junior colleagues and independent researchers. The editors seek to develop resources and materials for a more comprehensive, rigorous, and satisfying global architectural history curriculum.

Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words along with a c.v. by 
October 21st to: 

Parker James, Ph.D. 
Associate Director 
World History Center, 
270 Holmes Hall 
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA  


Paula Lupkin, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA 
School of Architecture  

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