Issue H983 of 30 September 1998

The 1968 Spring of the Prague and Alexander Dubchek

Alexander Dubcheck

A Hundred and forty key documents from the Soviet Archives and a book might reveal a lot concerning the events of August 1968 in Czechoslovakia. The documents have just been published in the U.S.A. and the book was written and published by a lawyer in Czechia.

On August 20, 1968 Soviet tanks invaded Czechoslovakia to prevent "socialism with a human face" that had just been introduced by the local communist leader, Alexander Dubchek. Dubchek was fired and lived a quiet life till September 1, 1992 when he was the victim of a car accident. His lawyer has just published a book in Czechia claiming that Dubchek was actually murdered because he was going to testify in a special committee in Moscow and reveal what had actually happened in 1968 when he was the communist leader of Czechoslovakia. 1992 was a period of self-criticism in Russia and the local communists in Czechia feared that Dubchek will reveal the names of those who had prevented his changes in 1968.

August 1968 in the Prague

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